William Jacob
Chambers for Sophomore SGA Representative
I stand for smart spending, free speech, promoting entrepreneurship, and complete transparency. I believe that our student government must be dedicated to wise stewardship of its funds, the defense of open discourse and dissemination of ideas on campus, and the preservation and encouragement of the innovative culture that makes the Georgia Tech student body unique. I pledge to always be open, clear, and honest in my decisions, and to represent the sophomore class with honor and integrity.

Smart Spending
Our student government has been entrusted with a large amount of funds that is mandatory for all students to pay. It is the responsibility of SGA to use this money in a careful way, and as a representative I pledge to do so.

Defending Speech
Universities are designed to be places where ideas can be openly discussed and shared. Georgia Tech has a proud history of defending people’s ability to speak their mind freely, and I will work to maintain an environment conducive to productive discourse.

Promoting Research & Startup Support
Georgia Tech is a hub of innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, and students that go here have a wealth of tools at their disposal to make their ideas reality. As your representative I will work to defend these programs and find places where SGA can help innovators get their ideals off the ground.

You deserve a representative that will be clear as to their intentions and the actions they take. As your representative I will work to make sure that I am clear in my actions, and also find ways to have the student government as a whole be more transparent and responsive.